Why Defensive Driving Is The Best Offense On The Road

June 13, 2023

Being vigilant when operating a vehicle significantly reduces your risk of getting into a severe accident. Defensive driving helps to safeguard you, your passengers, and other drivers on the road. It may also spare you from costly damage to your vehicle or claims against your auto insurance. Review these critical considerations about why defensive driving is vital at all times.


Defensive Driving Equips You to Anticipate and Avoid Unsafe Situations

Even if you practice safe-driving habits consistently, you cannot rely on other drivers to do the same. Driving defensively and exercising good situational awareness strengthens your ability to react quickly when someone else is driving recklessly or failing to follow traffic laws.

In particular, moderating your speed and maintaining a reasonably safe distance from other vehicles is fundamental to driving safely. These habits can give you the time and distance needed to avert a collision. They are especially vital in high-traffic areas where vehicles travel at high speeds.

Driving defensively is also crucial when operating a vehicle in inclement weather. Slick roadways tend to shorten cars’ stopping times. If you have to break suddenly, it can be hard to stop when and where you need to. Likewise, wet roadways can cause vehicles to hydroplane and veer off course. Poor visibility in foul weather may also present difficulties. Defensive driving helps you better contend with these challenging and hazardous conditions.


 Caution Combats the Dangers of Distraction

 Defensive drivers keep their guard up at all times and keep an eye out for signs that another driver may not have their focus on the road. Distracted drivers are often unaware of their proximity to other vehicles and might not be paying attention to which lane has the right of way.

In 2022, an estimated 5,200 crashes resulted from distracted driving in Connecticut, as reported by the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Sometimes, it takes a second to cause a distraction, and crashes have resulted because of this.

A high degree of vigilance can allow you to recognize situations that drivers may not stop when they need to. When you watch out for erratic driving and take note when you see that someone is texting or talking, you can put more distance between yourself and distracted drivers.


Attentive Driving Deters Overreliance On Technology

Sensors and safety alert features aim to protect drivers but aren’t foolproof. Unfortunately, these innovations have not resulted in a decline in the number of fatal accidents. They may give some drivers a false sense of security. Guardedness will keep you from putting too much stock into the security and efficacy of vehicles’ advanced technology.

Why Insurance is Important

Defensive driving is something that you should implement in your driving habits. Likewise, you need a good insurance plan. Finance Buzz reports that 6.3 percent of drivers in Connecticut did not have auto insurance. Therefore, it is essential to carry personal auto insurance coverage, including Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist coverage, that will keep YOU covered in the event of an accident, even if the at fault party doesn’t carry insurance, or only carries the state minimum limits, which are often inadequate in all but the most minor of accidents.


Defensive Driving Helps to Keep Your Auto Insurance Affordable

Even if another driver is responsible for a collision, it could carry unfortunate financial consequences. Making a claim against your insurance policy can substantially impact what you will have to pay for insurance in the future. Carriers may raise your rates, and you could have difficulty finding affordable coverage.

Defensive driving tactics will help you avoid claims against your auto insurance coverage. Driving carefully will help you maintain a clean driving record and continued access to competitive premiums.

Ultimately, a defensive approach to driving can enable you to steer clear of accidents. Being a cautious, defensive driver protects your safety and your finances.


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Since 1839, the independent insurance agents at Brooks, Todd & McNeil have been pleased to offer our community the best tailored policies to fit your specific needs from a variety of providers. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today at (800) 448-4567.