Is Your Pet Covered? Why It’s Time To Consider Pet Insurance

February 24, 2022

Pets aren’t just the adorable furry creatures that live in our homes. 85 percent of dog-owners and 76 percent of cat-owners think of their pets as family according to findings by the American Veterinary Medical Association.

pet insurance

With 70 percent of U.S. households now calling a pet a member of their family, it may not surprise you to discover that pet industry expenditures in the U.S. totaled $103 billion in 2020 alone.

Vet visits for routine care including wellness checkups, vaccines, lab tests, and dental care could cost between $700 and $1500 a year, depending on your pet, breed and where you live. That range does not include emergency vet visits, broken bones and illness or cover accidents. Depending on your pet’s health, that figure could be much higher and vet bills can add up quickly.

What Will Pet Insurance Cover?

As families invest more into the health and happiness of their pets, pet insurance has grown in popularity. Pet insurance plans may provide coverage for an accident and illness, a hereditary condition, diagnostics, exam fees, dental cleanings, and treatments. Preventative care and wellness coverage can be added for annual exams, heartworm/flea prevention and more.

Coverage will depend on many factors, including your pet’s medical history and your pet’s breed. There are many types of plans to consider as well, like accident only coverage or illness coverage, but you will want to discuss those plan limitations with an agent as these policies will not offer complete coverage. Most pet insurance policies will not cover pre existing conditions. There are many factors you’ll want to consider when selecting the right pet insurance plan.

Contact a Brooks, Todd & McNeil Agent

If you are a pet parent or about to be, and have questions about what kind of pet insurance plan is best, contact a Brooks, Todd & McNeil agent to find the best pet insurance company for your family. An agent can help you find affordable pet insurance for your needs and identify pet insurance discounts for which you are eligible like multi-policy bundle savings or multi-pet discounts if you have more than one pet.

An agent can also help you ask pet insurance providers the right questions, like whether there is a waiting period, limitations due to a pre existing condition or hereditary and congenital conditions, that could impact your plan and its monthly premiums. Our agents can help you identify the best pet insurance coverage specific to your breed.