Home Maintenance: A Comprehensive Homeowners’ Guide

June 21, 2024

As the days get longer (and warmer) here in New England, it is a good time to take a close look at your home and tackle any projects that need addressing. Inspecting, maintaining, and improving your property is critical. Knowing that your home is well-maintained and protected enhances safety, efficiency, curb appeal, and security. These steps can make renewing your homeowners insurance easier, giving you peace of mind.

How Regular Home Maintenance Impacts Your Homeowners Insurance

Preventing issues reduces repair costs. Demonstrating responsible homeownership can improve insurance coverage and lower premiums. For example, proactive roof maintenance may result in insurance discounts. Examine maintenance tasks that could affect your homeowners insurance. While this checklist is to prepare for selling your home, it is also perfect for guiding you in maintaining it. 

Inspecting Your Home’s Exterior

A thorough inspection of your home’s exterior is a critical first step. Here are some key areas to focus on.

Roof Check

  • Shingles: Look for cracked, missing, or curled shingles that may indicate leaks.
  • Gutters: Ensure gutters, including leaves and twigs, are debris-free. Clogged gutters may cause water damage around your foundation.
  • Downspouts: Verify that downspouts are securely fastened and direct water away from the house.

Siding Assessment

  • Look for cracks, warping, or other winter-related damage, such as loose panels.
  • Check for mold or mildew growth signs, which can create health risks and require professional remediation.
  • Clean siding with a solution appropriate for the material. For vinyl siding, for example, use mild detergent and water.

Foundation and Drainage

  • Ensure proper water drainage flowing away from your foundation to prevent water damage.
  • Look for cracks in the foundation or basement walls and signs of leaks around windows and doors. Address any concerns promptly.

Tree and Shrub Maintenance

  • Prune trees and shrubs away from scraping or overhanging the house, remove dead material and diseased branches and promote healthy growth.
  • Check for signs of damage, such as broken branches or loose bark. Address any concerns with a qualified arborist.

Patio and Deck

  • Inspect your patio or deck for safety hazards, such as rotting or loose boards, splinters, and uneven surfaces, and make repairs as needed.
  • Clean your patio or deck using appropriate materials. For example, use a deck cleaner for wood decks and a mild soap solution for concrete patios.

Internal Systems Check

The heart of your home also requires attention.

HVAC System

  • Schedule a professional cleaning and service of your HVAC system before peak usage times in summer.
  • Replace air filters regularly to enhance air quality and system efficiency.


  • Check for leaks, especially around pipes that may have been exposed to freezing temperatures over the winter months.
  • Inspect faucets and showerheads for drips and loose connections. Tighten or replace as needed.
  • Water damage accounts for a large portion of all homeowners claims. Keeping your plumbing in good condition will help to mitigate some of these losses

Electrical System

  • Visually inspect outlets and circuit breakers for any damage or signs of overheating.
  • Call a licensed electrician immediately with any concerns, such as flickering lights or sparks.

Energy Efficiency Upgrades

Now is a great time to consider upgrades that can enhance your home’s energy efficiency, potentially saving you money on utility bills and impacting your homeowners insurance.

Windows and Doors

  • Check the efficiency of your windows and doors for air leaks by feeling for drafts.
  • Consider replacing old, drafty windows with double-glazed or energy-efficient options.
  • Ensure door seals are intact and weather-stripping is effective.


  • Inspect your attic and basement for proper insulation levels. Gaps or inadequate insulation can lead to significant energy loss.
  • Consider adding insulation to attics, crawl spaces, and basements, especially if your home is older.

Smart Home Devices

Explore smart thermostats and lighting systems to help you control your home’s energy usage more efficiently. You can also add water flow and low temperature sensors as well as an automatic shut off valve. These upgrades can demonstrate a commitment to responsible energy consumption to your insurance provider.

Preparing for Possible Hazards

The summer season also brings its own set of potential hazards.


  • Consider flood-proofing measures like installing a sump pump or backflow prevention valve, especially if you live in a flood-prone area.
  • Regularly clearing all debris from gutters and downspouts helps prevent water from pooling at your foundation.


  • Change air filters regularly to trap pollen and other allergens circulating indoors.
  • If you or your family suffer from allergies, using a high-quality air purifier will significantly improve indoor air quality.


  • Assess your home security system and outdoor lighting.
  • Trim bushes and trees that may be obscuring entry points or outdoor security cameras.
  • Consider upgrading your outdoor lighting to deter potential intruders.

Updating Your Homeowners Insurance

Taking the time to maintain and improve your home can positively impact your homeowners insurance.

Review Your Policy

  • After completing a thorough maintenance check and upgrades, review your homeowners insurance policy to ensure your coverage reflects your home’s current value and any improvements.
  • Discuss your risks of wind damage, whether your policy limits are adequate, and whether you should add a separate wind insurance policy to your coverage.

Discuss Discounts

  • Many insurance companies offer policy discounts for homeowners who improve their home’s safety and efficiency.
  • Ask your agent about potential discounts for upgrades like smart home sensors, new roof installations, security system installations, or energy-efficient appliances.

Contact Your Agent

Don’t hesitate to contact your Brooks, Todd & McNeil agent to discuss any questions or concerns regarding your homeowners insurance coverage. We can ensure your policy is up-to-date and provides the optimal level of protection for your property.

About Brooks, Todd & McNeil

Since 1839, the independent agents at Brooks, Todd & McNeil have been pleased to offer our community the best and most affordable policies from a variety of providers. Our dedicated facilitators are ready to put their 75 years of combined experience to work on your claims. To learn more about our products and services, contact us today at (800) 448-4567.